Carmen López de Sevilla y Elin Flognman de Suecia, unen sus fuerzas para ensalzar el objeto de uso cotidiano. En la muestra se podrá disfrutar del diálogo entre los esmaltes con transfers y cucharas de Carmen con las patatas de distintos materiales de Elin. Un gusto para los sentidos.
Carmen López from Seville and Elin Flognman from Sweden join forces to extol the everyday object. In the exhibition you will be able to enjoy the dialogue between Carmen’s enamels with transfers and spoons with Elin’s potatoes made of different materials. A delightment to your senses.
Del 4 de mayo al 27 de junio
Galería – Escuela de Joyería Contemporánea
C/Farmacia 5 – Local izquierdo – 28004 Madrid
0034653300154 –
IG: @lalabeyou
FB: @lalabeyou
I currently live and work in my jewelry studio in Seville. I have been a teacher of ceramics and Fire Enamel at the Art Schools of Huelva and Seville. I have held the positions of Deputy Director, Coordinator of teachers, and Secretary among others. I have a Higher Degree in Ceramics, and I have studied specialization in ceramics, enamel, and jewelry inside and outside of Spain.
My relationship with art comes from my family environment, in my house I smelled of pencils, crayons, and watercolors. My older brothers were my references and making drawings and artistic objects is what I have done all my life. As a teacher at the School of Art, I cooperated with and coordinated the León Ortega Art Gallery, annually creating exhibitions with the students and trips to artistic destinations.
Large-volume creative ceramics occupied part of my creation. My current work is based on portable objects, jewels of a narrative and conceptual nature with which I make small collections. I work with various materials depending on the narrative I want to express, but I always include fire-enameled pieces and represented spoons, the “leitmotif” of my work.
I am an art jewellery maker, with my studio in Trollhättan, Sweden. I earned my masters degree in art jewellery at the School of Craft and Design in Gothenburg (HDK).
In Sweden craft is taught in primary school. Usually, the very first thing you make is a wooden butter knife. I use this as a starting point in my work thinking about what it does to me, being able to make a butter knife. Carving into the core of the shapes and the movements of my hands are in my work and my everyday life.
I twist and turn everyday objects. Through mind hand collaboration I wish to emphasize the magic in the mundane. Every day and the ordinary are parts of life often put in the shadow of parties and extravaganza.
Potato is a great part of my work. Potato as a culture crop shares a human history and can through this illustrate many of our endeavors. As an example in our future plans on the colonization of other planets, one of the first questions to arise is Can we grow potatoes?
I have a manifesto on material use, where I declare my materials to be the ones surrounding me. I try not to buy any materials but to have them given to me, harvested, or found. For inspiration, I walk.
Elin Flognman celebrates the humble potato in Everyday Matter, a surreal series featuring golden potatoes strung around the neck or clustered on the body as brooches – delightfully drawing attention to the politics of food, a celebration of the precious importance of this humble vegetable. / Kath Libbert, 2015